Three easy steps you can take to secure more distressed sellers.
Looking for an important skill in our shifting market? Distressed sellers are an amazing source of quick, quality clients, but they’ve been absent from our market for a long time. While our market isn’t suddenly going to become flooded with short sales and foreclosures, distressed sellers are appearing once again. That’s why I’m sharing three steps to help you approach distressed sellers the right way.
You can listen to my full explanation in the video above or skip to each topic using the timestamps provided:
0:00 — Introduction
0:54 — Publicly-recorded distressed sellers will be flooded with offers; approach them accordingly
2:07 — Your goals should be to build rapport, understand their story, and listen
3:16 — Once you have empathy for what they need, devise a strategy
4:17 — A quick review of the three steps
4:31 — Wrapping up today’s topic
If you have questions about today’s topic or anything else, please call or email me. I am always willing to help!