By now, most of us understand the challenges we face in the market: We have extremely limited inventory and multiple offers are rampant. Today let’s take stock in what we have, where we are, and what your process should be for 2021 if you want to achieve your goals. If you joined me for a one-on-one business planning session at the beginning of the year to assess your goals for 2021, this will all be a review for you, but if not, this will be informative for you nonetheless.

1. Establish where you stand. It’s important to assess where you want to be, but you also have to take time to establish where you are currently. Do you savor life, or are you more focused on achievement? What are your primary human needs? What drives you in a healthy or unhealthy way?

2. Take inventory of your assets and your commitments and acknowledge what your hurdles are going to be so that you can strategically strike against them. Don’t wait until the middle of the year to realize that you can’t reach your goals because you haven’t done enough up to that point.

“There are agents in the market who are managing to meet their goals—are they more special than you?”

3. Create meaningful outcomes. By that, I mean non-negotiable outcomes that you identified for your life at the beginning of the year and got you pumped for what’s to come.

4. Quarter review. Weigh your outcomes against your goals. Now that it’s the end of the quarter, assess whether you’re on track to achieve your goals. And, more than just identifying your problems, you need to find the root causes of those problems. Yes, there aren’t enough listings and many agents are having their offers rejected. But there are agents in the market who are managing to meet their goals—are they more special than you?

5. Design a plan with your goals in mind. As you acknowledge your commitments for the second quarter, you also need to think about how to reach your goals.

This may sound like a lot, but this is what it takes to make a business plan. Too many of us draw one up at the end of each year and then forget about it, only to look back and regret not acting on it. Take this time to measure yourself, get a little uncomfortable, and fix what you need to fix in order to get to where you want to be.

If you have any questions or would like to have a conversation about today’s topic, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

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